We have a proposal for everyone!


The beginning of the house and happiness is the key to an ideal life.

The ideal concept for humans is not just a place with four walls, but also a symbol of presence, trust and happiness. The house is a place where family ties get stronger, memories are gathering and the future is being built. Each corner here embodies life full of love and warmth. In such a place you feel protected, and every moment of life becomes valuable.

We offer you not just an apartment, but a lifestyle. We build not only your walls, but also the atmosphere of your home, promising more than just housing.

It has become easier to become the owner of the apartment of your dreams! Our fully repaired apartments in a finished house are waiting for their new owners.

- initial fee: 12 800 AZN

- 2-room studio

- Full repairs

- The finished building

To receive additional information, you can call 📞 *3939 or contact the sales office at 📍 G. Zardabi 202a!