Recently, the construction industry in Azerbaijan has been developing rapidly. Especially high-rise buildings built in our capital give a special beauty to the city by changing its appearance. When buying an apartment, people pay attention first to the price, then to the floor and the width of the rooms. Some people think that if the price of 1 m² apartment in one building is lower than in another building, that apartment is profitable.
Does affordable housing mean quality housing?
Of course not.
Research show that the affordable price is due to both low quality and a number of shortcomings in the building. These shortcomings are related to the lack of insulation system in the building, the use of poor quality materials during repairs, the problem of elevator.
Insulation system - reduces noise from the outside and neighboring apartments, saves energy and fire while maintaining the warmth of the house. Some construction companies sell buildings to customers by covering them with ordinary plaster or various materials, saying "let it be cheap." Homeowners who think they are buying cheap, in fact, have low-quality and expensive housing. For this reason, they have been paying high bills for years and living in poor quality housing.
American and European experience has shown that the material that provides the best insulation system in buildings is stone wool. Quality-preferred construction companies use this material.

Construction Company “Melissa Group”, which has become the address of quality and comfort in the market with residential complexes that will provide the comfort of buyers, uses stone wool on the facades of the sites. 5 cm of this stone wool replaces an 80 cm brick wall, keeping that the apartments are cool in summer and warm in winter. This saves homeowners both health and budget.
Melissa Group, which meets modern requirements and always thinks about the comfort and convenience of residents, uses Turkish and German freight and passenger elevators, plastic door and window systems, safe doors, intercom system block doors, Italian tiles and parquet in the construction and repair of buildings, so has become a symbol of quality and comfort.